Monday, April 27

Adorable or What?

How do you like the bow in Pooh's hair?

Would you ever guess she now has a massive double ear infection? So much for getting better. Now for 2 weeks of antibiotics and then a recheck to make sure it has cleared up. Maybe, that is why she has not been taking good naps for the past several day???

Crazy Week

The past week has been crazy. I have had the head cold Pooh had after Easter and I am just starting to feel better. I think Doddle and Pooh enjoyed me being sick. I will not able to talk for three days and try displining children with no voice. Needless to say, they were able to get away with things they normally would not have. They did enjoy having popsicles since that was the only thing helping my throat.

Doddle had another soccer game on Saturday. We were a little concerned if she was going to want to play considering she did not want to play last Saturday after falling down during the game, but she was a trooper. She played throughout the game and did great. She ran after the ball the whole time she was on the field. Although, I think Pooh had a better time at the game. She was all over the place. Her favorite was running onto the soccer field, especially when they were playing. I wish they had a league for 1 yrs olds :).

Doddle has another game this Saturday at 9am. Everyone is welcome to come and cheer for her. I know she would love to see everyone. We are going to try and come to town sometime this upcoming weekend we just are not sure which day?

Sunday, April 19

April Update

The past several weeks have been super busy for all of us. Doddle had her first soccer game two weeks ago. Josh said she played wonderful. All the girls on the team were aggressive from what all the other moms have told me. When Doddle was the goalie she stopped a goal and she had fun trying to score a goal. I think she likes playing soccer.
I was not at the game because I was in Charleston, SC doing the Cooper River Bridge Run (6.2 miles) along with 3 other Moms in our group. The bridge was a beast. I did finish but not in the time I wanted. I have had some set backs in my training with my foot. I am going back to the doctor tomorrow to get the results of the bone scan. Hopefully, that will give us some answers.

Easter morning was interesting. Pooh woke up with a fever of 103 and was not in the best of moods. Doddle was excited to see what Mom and Dad (yes, the Easter bunny DOES NOT bring Easter baskets) had put in her Easter basket. She was very happy to see she got a Leapster2. But I think she would have been just as happy with candy and the money in her Easter eggs.

Pooh was not sure what was going on but was happy to have some M&Ms and plastic eggs to play with. As you can see in these pictures she was not feeling the greatest.

Pooh was sick pretty much the next week. Finally around Wednesday she stopped having a fever but still did not feel like herself. She is finally starting to feel more like herself but has not lost her cough yet.

Josh has been training for a 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) over the past several months. Saturday was the big day. He and Lisa both ran the race. He did a great job. The course was a lot hilly than he expected but he finished the race and was happy with his time considering the course layout.

Doddle had her second soccer game on Saturday and I was happy to get to watch. Since Lisa was running the 1/2 marathon my parent watched K while her brother played his game (Ed coaches his team). Here were the girls playing before the soccer game. K just had her hair cut the other day and it looks so adorable. Doddle likes K hair but wants to keep hers long so she can put it up in a ponytail or pigtails.

Pooh had a blast running all over the soccer fields. She had so much open space. She did fall and bust her lip but that is nothing new for her.

Doddle and her teammates finally getting ready to do their stretches before the game. Actually, Doddle just watches everyone else do the stretches. Coach Andy was a little worried when we only had 5 players at the start of the game. The rest did show up; they were just a few minutes late.
Doddle played great when she was on the field. But during the second quarter while she was playing her and player from the other team fell down going for the ball and Doddle was done for. She did not get hurt but she did not want to play any more.

Doddle standing beside Coach Andy getting ready for kick off

Getting ready for the goalie to throw the ball to our team

I hope to start posting weekly so the posts will not be so long.

Thursday, March 19

Soccer Practice Pictures

Here are a few of the pictures of Doodle from soccer practice the other day.

Doodle learning the correct way to hold a soccer ball

Doodle and K after practice

Do you think they are having fun?

Wednesday, March 18

Team RAMPAGE's first soccer practice

Doodle had her first soccer practice last evening. She had a great time and loves that her best friend K is on her team. We were very proud of how well she did. Of course our battery was not charged on the camera so I am waiting on L to email me the pictures she took. I will post them as soon as I get them.

She has a wonderful coach who is REALLY going to teach them how to play soccer. He is a firm believer in only positive attitudes and will not tolerate any criticism of the kids while they are practicing or playing. He already told us we will probably not win the first several games because he believes in teaching the fundamentals first. That is perfectly find with us plus the YMCA does not keep score with any age group so there is never a winner/loser.

Here is the schedule of Doodle's games (they are all on Saturdays). We would love for anyone to come and watch. All games are played on the soccer field behind the First Baptist Church in Belmont. Please make sure to only park in the Church parking lot and not on the streets. I am sure you can park in the Presbyterian Church parking lot if there is not enough spaces at the Baptist Church.
  • April 4th - 9am
  • April 18th - 11am
  • April 25th - 10am
  • May 2nd - 9am
  • May 9th - 10am
  • May 16th - 9am

Doodle practices every Tuesday at the same soccer field from 5:30-6pm if anyone would like to come then.

Monday, March 9


Doodle was not to interested Sunday night when it first starting snow. She wanted to watch Miss Spider instead. Monday morning was a completely different story. After breakfast we bundled up both of the girls and went outside. Pooh was not fond of the snow or at least not sitting in the snow. Who could blame her. We had bundled her up so much she could not move very well. She did love being outside as long as one of us were holding her.

Doodle loved playing in the snow and did not want to come in. We made a snowman, snowwoman and snow angels. She also loved having a snow ball fight.

Here was our first snowwoman as Doodle decided!

Here was our second snowman!

After all of our building all Doodle wanted to do was swing.

We can not forget Bo Dog. He had a blast in the snow as you can tell from the following pictures.

We just wished the snow had stayed a little longer.

Saturday, February 21

Things have been so busy around here that we have not had time to post anything. To catch everyone up this is what we have been doing:
  • Josh school
  • Having hardwood floors installed upstairs (the girls rooms, our room, hall and stairs) WE NO LONGER HAVE ANY CARPET!!!
  • Pooh falling into the tub and moving her front two bottom teeth - all is well now except her teeth are no longer in alignment
  • Charity and Pooh in a fender bender - no one was hurt except for Charity's car again
  • Doodle going to school
  • Everyone finally back to the gym and running
We have officially signed Doodle up for soccer. The season starts March 15 and runs through April 16. Doodle's games will be on Saturday mornings behind the First Baptist Church in Belmont. When we get the schedule for game times we will let everyone know.

I will be mailing everyone our family pictures later in the week.